Dr Fiona Patterson

Recommendation Manager – Mars Petcare

Dr Fiona Patterson graduated from The University of Melbourne Veterinary School in 1995.  She worked in mixed and small animal practice before joining Mars Petcare in 2000.  

At Mars, Fiona is the Recommendation Manager, and helps create a better world for pets by developing nutrition and education programs for the Veterinary and Pet channels.  She is passionate about the welfare of animals, as well as helping people enjoy the magic and joy that pets can bring to their lives.  Fiona has a 15 month old English Staffy called Kelly who keeps her busy… and fitter!

Contact Us

Should you have any questions about the conference please contact our 2019 BIG4 National Conference Event Partner:

BIG4 National Conference Team

 : +61 (03) 8620 7820

 : big4conference@212f.com.au